Bridge expansion joints (or movement joints) are designed to enable continuous traffic between two structures and are necessary to accommodate structural movements due to creep and shrinkage effects, temperature variations or deformations under live load. They are suitable for reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete, composite and steel structures, and particularly for bridge decks.
Bridge expansion joints are also designed to allow sufficient vertical movement so that bearings can be replaced without needing to disassemble the expansion joint.
Freyssinet has been installing expansion joints to structures all over the world for more than 50 years.
As a bridge expansion joint specialist, Freyssinet is able to offer a full range of products, an inspection and design service to establish the correct type of joint for your structure and provide expert installation.
Find out more about the purpose and importance of correct selection here.
Expansion joints supplied and installed by Freyssinet

Expansion joint installed on St George’s Bridge, Doncaster
Case studies
Email, call on 01952 201901 for a copy of our expansion joints brochure, or access the downloadable version here.