New Build Solutions | Asset Life Extension | Management of Movement | Sustainable Innovation | Structural Health Inspection | Jacking and Lifting
Freyssinet brings together an unparalleled array of specialist civil engineering expertise. Covering the design of structures, the production of materials and equipment, and their implementation on site, Freyssinet offers integrated technical solutions in two major fields: new-build construction and structural repair.
Management of Movement
In the offshore sector our expertise is particularly important to the life and operation of structures that need to move or are exposed to fatigue. Our applications, which range from the movement of whole structures to the supply of special sliding bearings, focus primarily on the management of movement and locked in forces. Our prestressing systems, using strand and bar, have been used for decades to lighten gravity bases, improve fatigue resistance, and join structural elements.
Bearings for topsides, flare booms and link bridges
- Special support bearings: high rotation and movement, uplift bearings, jackable bearings, bearings with load monitoring
- Elastomeric bearings and sliding pads
- Bodygarde® bearing protection system
- AquagardeTM water collection system
- Isoglide® ultra long-life sliding material
Dynamic protection devices
- Shock transmission units and dampers. To permit or control specific movements between modules.
Asset Life Extension
Freyssinet’s tagline “Sustainable Technology” is about developing technology that can extend the life of structures, thereby reducing the environmental impact associated with replacing them.
Freyssinet has forged a reputation as a structural repair contractor with the ability to provide its customers with an end-to-end array of bespoke services and solutions, including cutting-edge technologies for protecting, repairing and strengthening different types of structures.
Structure assessment
- Inspection and engineering assessment
- Preventative maintenance
- Residual life expectation
- Life extension optioneering
- Monitoring
Bearing replacement
- Jacking and temporary works
- On site refurbishment
Expansion Joint replacement
CFRP (Carbon fibre reinforced polymer) strengthening
Bespoke engineering solutions
Cables, strengthening, anchoring
New Build Services
Freyssinet has been prestressing offshore structures for decades: Ninian Central, Ekofisk, Frigg and Brent have given fine service for years.
These days, its more likely to be offshore wind farms that use gravity base structures but the principles of post-tensioned prestressed concrete are the same. By applying permanent compressive stresses in the concrete, induced by tensioning high-strength steel tendons, the structure is durable, safe and easy to maintain. The advantageous characteristics of prestressed concrete perfectly match the stringent requirements of offshore constructions :
- Excellent fatigue behaviour
- Good resistance to abrasion
- Limited crack propagation
- Slow chloride migration
- Watertight
- Good resistance in case of fire or ice
Freyssinet has its own prestressing bar system “Freyssibar” which has excellent fatigue resistance. This can be used to join structural elements, such as a steel turbine mast to a concrete foundation.
Freyssinet also has extensive experience of lifting structures vertically with pot ram jacks and moving them laterally with strand jacking systems.
Key services
- Prestressing strand systems for gravity base
- Prestressing bar systems for wind turbines
- Heavy lifting and sliding in prefabrication yard
- Jacking and propping

Call +44 (0) 1952 201901 or email for more details.