Freyssinet begins Moco Farm ElevArch® trial

bridge jacking

Freyssinet start Moco Farm ElevArch® bridge jacking trial

Freyssinet started its RSSB sponsored trial of the patented ElevArch® bridge jacking innovation at Moco Farm in Buckinghamshire at the beginning of August.

It is estimated that 500 masonry arch bridges are too low for Network Rail’s electrification programme (more height is needed for the overhead line equipment) and ElevArch® is expected to save many of them from demolition.

The first action was a load test to check the response of the arch to a moving 26 tonne load. Hamish Harvey of Bill Harvey Associates – Freyssinet’s partner in this development – set up movement sensors to record vertical deflections at midspan and quarter span, plus the spread of the arch at the springing. The 10.1m span arch deflected nearly ½mm at midspan which was with expected limits.

The bridge will be lifted 900mm and the load test repeated at the end of September.

Contact for more informtion about ElevArch®.